Sep 8, 2020 | Marketing Tips, SEO Marketing
Using Social Media Marketing to Spread Your Message Who: Joe Skibbie of JRS Mar/Com What: Using Social Media Marketing to Spread Your Message When: Monday, September 21, 2020 9:00 – 10:30 AM CDT Where: Online Seminar Hosted by The Northwest Indiana Small...
Jun 15, 2020 | Marketing Tips
By Joe Skibbie… When my daughter Alyssa started showing an interest in drawing, we thought what all parents think, ‘she’s so talented, clearly she’ll be the next Van Gogh’. How DID we come up with the Adventures of Mar + Com? We started with a dinnertime...
Jun 14, 2020 | Marketing Tips
Overview of Digital Marketing Strategy for Small Business Owners from Joseph Skibbie As pandemic-related restrictions begin to lift across the US, what do small businesses need to know about their marketing in a COVID-19 world? There is no doubt that the way people...
May 24, 2020 | Marketing Tips
“Where do I start?”, is a common question when meeting clients for the first time. Discussing a Digital Marketing Strategy is a vital part of your annual planning. There is growing awareness regarding the increasing number of acronyms and jargon...