May 2, 2022 | Marketing Tips
Have you seen our latest blog? It tells you everything you need to know about paid advertising—and how it gives you better data on your marketing. Here’s the upshot on why a good digital marketing strategy includes paid advertising: It puts you at the top...
Mar 1, 2022 | High Impact Video Marketing, Marketing Tips
Did you see our new JRS Mar/Com video…about video marketing? If you haven’t, check it out. It’s just 45 seconds. Here’s why we’re blogging about a video to put video marketing in front of you: video is an increasingly powerful tool in the marketing toolbox. Why?...
Feb 16, 2022 | Expert Paid Ad Campaigns, Marketing Tips
What are your marketing goals? If like most businesses, you want to focus on elevating visibility, increasing traffic, and driving conversion, then you need a solid digital marketing strategy. This can include paid advertising as well as owned and earned media....
Apr 5, 2021 | Marketing Tips, SEO Marketing
SEO or Online Community Business Seminar – May 25th, 9AM CST Joe Skibbie of JRS Marketing Communications will present the basics of Search Engine Optimzation (SEO) for Small Businesses, making sure your business can be found online and strengthening it’s...
Mar 11, 2021 | Marketing Tips, SEO Marketing
If you’ve dipped a toe at all into the world of SEO, you’ve probably heard the term organic traffic. What is it exactly? Why is it so valuable to your business, and how can you increase it? This article covers the basics on organic traffic and how to boost it to help...