Oct 31, 2018 | High Impact Video Marketing, Marketing Tips
Videos for Your Small Business Large and small businesses alike are jumping on the video bandwagon. On average, Magisto estimates that small and large American companies spent an average of $20k on digital videos in 2017 alone. That’s almost as much as they allocated...
Jul 11, 2018 | JRS Mar/Com
JRS Mar/Com is proud to announce and welcome Casey Van Duyne as one of the company’s newest Digital Marketing Interns. Among many things, Casey will be working in all areas of marketing—including branding, research, and strategy development. Casey knew she wanted to...
May 30, 2018 | Marketing Tips, SEO Marketing
Electronic Newsletters; What’s the IF? Daily eBlasts. Monthly member news. Weekly tips and tricks. Electronic Newsletters go by a lot of different names. Whatever you call them, they are—or should be—an integral part of your Digital Marketing Plan… right? We’re all...
Mar 13, 2018 | Marketing Tips
Print Services For Your Business To paraphrase the quote from Mark Twain, “The reports that Print is dead have been greatly exaggerated.” There are so many occasions when there’s no better way to get your message across than in black and white—or full color if the...
May 30, 2017 | Marketing Tips, Sales Ready Websites, SEO Marketing
Pulled from the Harper College Small Business Development Center Workshops and Classes Page: Designing Websites That Work. A good website is at the core of successfully marketing. Because more than 50% of searches are done via mobile phones, a mobile responsive...